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If you need a crown or inlay, CEREC is a great solution as the preparation and fitting is done on the same day. A traditional crown/inlay can be a lengthy process, so just a single visit to our dental practice is all you will need.
What is CEREC?
Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic (CEREC) is a state of the art technology that removes the lab, and the time, when creating tooth restorations.
How does it work?
An incredibly accurate digital image of your teeth is taken, and the work needed is planned on a computer. Solid blocks of ceramic material, which are among the hardest of all tooth coloured materials, are designed into beautifully fitted inlays, onlays, partial crowns, full anterior and posterior crowns. You see everything that is happening on the advanced computer screen using 3D software. Similarly, you can watch while the CEREC precision mills the ceramic block while you wait. We then use advanced bonding systems to fuse the custom created restoration to your prepared natural tooth.
This superb new technology allows us to conserve much more of your natural tooth tissue than was possible before.
Key Benefits:
Please contact the practice today to speak with any of our friendly and professional team, who will be more than happy to advise and discuss any queries you have on 0161 445 2397
karen clarke
Monday - Friday
8:40am - 5:00pm
Appointment only
637 Wilmslow Road
M20 6DF