Anti-Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Treatment

Time to get a good night’s rest!


Multiple appointments


£180 consultation
from £1,800 for appliance

Treatment summary

  • Treatment by a sleep apnoea dentist trusted by ENTs and sleep specialists
  • Custom-fitted mouthpieces for snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea
  • Assistance with understanding and interpreting your sleep testing results
  • Treating sleep apnoea can lead to increased energy and an improved quality of life
  • Help determining your sleep apnoea risk

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What is anti-snoring and sleep apnoea treatment?

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a common condition in which the walls of the throat relax and narrow during sleep and obstruct breathing.

This may lead to regularly interrupted sleep, which can have a big impact on quality of life and increases the risk of developing certain conditions.

Without treatment, obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) can lead to further health conditions due to interrupted sleep and breathing. Here at Parkfield Dental, we have a team with broad interests and expertise, including specialists in a wide range of different fields. This includes anti-snoring and sleep apnoea treatments. Our sleep apnoea dentist, Dr Joanne Ingleby, will work closely with you to find the best solution for you, choosing from a range of different oral appliances and other treatments.

Meet Dr Joanne Ingleby

For the last ten years, Dr Ingleby has helped over a hundred patients, many that have been directly referred after a sleep study.

    This includes referrals by specialists from ENT, Respiratory, or Sleep Clinic Departments.

    Dr Ingleby works closely with these specialists with the aim of providing the different options and solutions to anyone who wishes to reduce their snoring or sleep apnoea.

    Oral appliances will not reduce snoring and sleep apnoea for everyone, so it is important to assess the contributing factors to your snoring and discuss the options and likelihood of success of reducing or elimination of snoring or apnoea.

    After assessing your individual case, Dr Ingleby will discuss and demonstrate the different types of mandibular advancement appliances and the type most suitable to you and explain their relative benefits and costs.

    We will look after you whilst we find the best result for you, helping you monitor your progress and results. We are also able to offer you post-treatment sleep testing if you would like to assess your results compared to your pre-treatment results.

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    Why do we snore?

    Snoring is the noise created by the partial closure of the airway when air is restricted during breathing whilst asleep.

    Snoring is a condition that affects about 30% of us, rising to 60% as age increases. It may be no more problematic than the noise itself. The cause is varied, but even simple snoring has significant effects on quality of life for the snorer and those around them.

    At the least, it is socially embarrassing and can affect the quality of life for both the snorer and those around them.

    Obstructive Sleep Apnoea a serious medical condition where the airway totally closes many times during the night. This can significantly reduce oxygen levels in the body and interrupts sleep. Apnoea is linked to many health conditions from excessive daytime sleepiness, acid reflux and increased risk of high blood pressure, to more serious ones such as the increased incidence of stroke, heart attack, and diabetes.

    What can we as dentists offer?

    Documented evidence exists that oral appliances have substantially reduced snoring and sleep apnoea for many people.

      Since each person is different and presents with unique circumstances, oral appliances will not reduce snoring and/or apnoea for everyone.

      All patients should be properly assessed to determine whether they are simple snorers or may have apnoea. Some of our patients have been referred by a medical physician following diagnosis and sleep study. At the pre-treatment assessment here at Parkfield, we will assess the contributing factors to your snoring and discuss the options and likelihood of success of reducing or elimination of snoring or apnoea. The various different appliances and their suitability risks and benefits options will be discussed.

      At a subsequent visit, the appliance you and your dentist have chosen will be fitted; instructions on use and care will be supplied.

      If you would like more information, please contact one of our care team who will be happy to help.

      The symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)

      A lot of the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) are difficult to detect for yourself.

      After all, by its very nature, you are asleep while the most obvious symptoms of loud snoring and choking noises occur. If you live with a partner and suspect that you may have OSA, the best thing to do is to ask them to monitor your sleeping pattern and behaviour for you. Here at Parkfield Dental, we always recommend people to seek professional help and treatment if they are worried about OSA and think that they may be suffering from it. 

      However, there are some symptoms that you can detect by yourself. Ask your partner or someone else to check for:

      • Excessively loud snoring 
      • Gasping and choking for air whilst sleeping
      • Periods where you appear to stop breathing while asleep

       Things that you can look out for yourself include: 

      • Difficulty concentrating on things
      • Excessive fatigue during the day
      • Irritability and anger problems
      • Problems both getting to sleep and staying asleep
      • Headaches and dry mouth in the morning when waking up

      These symptoms may surprise some people, as OSA is most associated with loud snoring and it’s understandable that it can be difficult to see how this affects your body in the other ways that it does. 

      The fact is that sleep is incredibly important to your health and wellbeing, and OSA can be very disruptive to the quality of your sleep. In most OSA cases, the person actually wakes up briefly every time they need to cope with airway obstruction. As a result, people suffering from OSA often experience severe and significant daytime sleepiness. You may initially experience this while reading, engaging with TV and computer screens, or—most alarmingly—while driving on the road. However, if left untreated, the daytime fatigue can become more severe and interfere with day-to-day activities. 

      There are a lot of different symptoms that can indicate sleep deprivation, such as irritability, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and more. These can all indicate OSA, but we recommend looking out for the main symptoms of loud snoring and choking noises, and daytime fatigue. If you think you might have OSA, get in touch with the team here at Parkfield Dental. We are experienced in helping patients to find a suitable treatment for OSA, improving quality of sleep and their energy levels.

      The health risks of sleep apnoea

      If left untreated, obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) can lead to severe and lasting health risks, affecting sufferers’ quality of life.

      It’s bad enough having disrupted sleeping, loud snoring, and the daytime fatigue and irritability effects of sleep deprivation. But if left unchecked, OSA can begin to severely affect your health. 

      What can happen is that when your airway is obstructed and becomes closed during sleep, the oxygen levels in your body become restricted and reduced. This forces you briefly awake at intervals during your sleep, but sleep apnoea can also affect your health in other significant ways. Research has linked sleep apnoea to a wide range of different health conditions, including: 

      • Heart disease
      • High blood pressure
      • Increased risk of suffering from a stroke
      • Acid reflux
      • Weight gain
      • Type 2 diabetes

      Snoring problems and obstructive sleep apnoea can negatively affect both your day-to-day life and your long-term health and wellbeing. Sleep is crucial to a healthy and happy lifestyle, and without the restorative effects of sleep, you are putting your body at risk. Not to mention the fact that daytime fatigue and drowsiness can put you at risk of underperforming in your role at work and of falling asleep and nodding off while driving.

      What are the benefits of sleep apnoea treatment?

      More energy

      Apnoea disrupts your sleep and leads to symptoms of sleep deprivation—the most significant of which is probably a severe lack of energy. Sleep apnoea sufferers often say that snoring treatment helps them to feel less sleepy and to have more energy during their day to day and when going about their daily life. You’ll start to feel better both physically and mentally.

      Safer driving

      You may have experienced problems driving if you are a long-term sufferer of sleep apnoea. There’s a very good chance that you may have experienced drowsiness and difficulty staying awake while driving, especially on the motorway. Those who seek treatment often claim that their ability to drive and concentrate while on the road improves massively with their fatigue and sleep deprivation kept under better control. 

      A better quality of living

      There’s no doubt that sleep apnoea makes it difficult to enjoy the normal daily activities and hobbies that you use to unwind and relax in your free time. Reading a book, watching a film, or listening to music can become challenging, simply because it’s difficult to do so without drifting off to sleep. Having more energy allows you to enjoy not just your work, but your free time more as well. 

      A happier relationship

      If you live with a partner, then there’s a very good chance that their sleep will have become disrupted because of your sleep apnoea as well. By improving your own quality of sleep, apnoea treatment will also help to improve that of your partner’s too. You’ll snore and move around in bed much less, and during the day you’ll both benefit from more energy than you are used to – allowing you to enjoy your time together much more!

      Call us today on 0161 445 2397 or request an appointment online to start your journey towards a good night’s rest!

      Frequently asked questions about sleep apnoea

      • Can mouthpieces made by a dentist actually treat sleep apnoea?

        Yes, they absolutely do. Of course, all patients are different and can require very different approaches when it comes to treating sleep apnoea and snoring problems. Essentially, mouthpieces are only one of a range of sleep apnoea effective treatment options we have available here at Parkfield Dental. While we cannot guarantee that a mouthpiece will work, but success rates of around 80% or even higher are known for this treatment. CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines have even higher success rates, but even these don’t work for everyone.  

        We know how frustrating it can be and we know that many patients are tempted to give up after a few weeks. But we always recommend that you speak to your dentist here at Parkfield Dental for full advice and guidance. Sleep apnoea treatments are worth sticking with, or you might need to find another management approach. Obstructive sleep apnoea is something that can stay with you for years and needs to be managed, or you risk significant medical and health issues further down the line.

      • Why do I need to treat my obstructive sleep apnoea?

        Obstructive sleep apnoea is a common sleep disorder that affects up to 20% of people in certain demographics. One of the problems with OSA (obstructive sleep apnoea) is that it can take years or even decades before sufferers realise they have a problem, have it diagnosed and find an effective treatment. There are a lot of OSA sufferers who don’t even know they have a problem.  

        This is a problem because sleep apnoea, if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and more. If you know that you suffer from OSA and have it diagnosed, then it is important to take steps to treat the problem to avoid these medical issues.  

        Untreated sleep apnoea can also cause a huge issue when it comes to driving. It is a big risk factor on the road given the daytime sleepiness and fatigue experienced by sufferers due to sleep deprivation. As such, it is essentially your responsibility as a driver to not drive if you know you have untreated sleep apnoea. You are required to report this to the driving license authority (the DVLA). If you have a driving license, you can continue to drive if your condition can be confirmed as being under control medically.

      • How do I know if I have sleep apnoea?

        One of the issues with having sleep apnoea diagnosed and treated is because it is incredibly difficult to self-diagnose. Naturally, sleep apnoea common symptoms are present during sleep. One of the best ways to find out if you have it is if you have a bed partner, to ask them to monitor your sleep. Some of the most frequent problems include:

        Frequent and loud snoring

        It’s important to be aware that, of course, not everyone who snores has sleep apnoea. By the same token, not all sleep apnoea sufferers actually snore – although most do. Loud snoring, gasps, moans and mumblings during sleep are, however, one of the best and most obvious common symptoms of sleep apnoea.

        Gasping or loss of breath during sleep

        If your bedmate indicates that you appear to stop breathing for periods during sleep, or are gasping for breath, this can be another sign and symptom of obstructive sleep apnoea.

        Excessive tiredness, sleepiness and fatigue during the day

        If you ever fall asleep when you don’t mean to during the day, or feel tired and drowsy while driving, watching TV, sitting at a desk or anywhere else, this could be a good indication that you suffer from sleep apnoea. If you are noticeably less able to spend time doing certain activities without falling asleep than previously, then it could be an indicator of sleep apnoea.

        Sleep that does not refresh or reinvigorate you

        A common problem for sleep apnoea sufferers is that of sleep deprivation. Essentially, sleep apnoea forces you to wake up constantly throughout the night, without ever being aware of it. As such, sufferers are prevented from achieving the deep sleep they need to feel refreshed. If you frequently get 8+ hours of sleep but still feel groggy and drowsy when you wake up, have morning headaches and have a dry mouth, then you might have sleep apnoea.

        If you are worried that you might have sleep apnoea but it is as yet undiagnosed, then get in touch with the team here at Parkfield Dental today. Our sleep dentist, Dr Joanne Ingleby, has many years of experience helping patients find the right sleep apnoea treatment for them.

      • Can orthodontic treatment help with sleep apnoea?

        Crooked or otherwise, teeth are not usually the cause of an obstruction in obstructive sleep apnoea. Jaw alignment, on the other hand, may be a contributing factor and is something you should discuss with an orthodontist. While straightening your teeth may not have an effect on your sleep apnoea, it can help improve your oral health and is still worth looking into.

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